সোমবার, ৬ জুন, ২০১৬


shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, and very pale skin, you may have an insufficient amount of red blood cells. This condition is called anemia, and there are many causes. If it’s confirmed that you have a low red blood cell count, the Coomb's test is one of the blood tests that your doctor may order to help find out what kind of anemia you have.

Why Is the Coombs Test Done?
The Coomb's test checks the blood to see if it contains certain antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that your immune system makes when it detects that something may be harmful to your health. These antibodies will destroy the harmful invader. If the immune system’s detection is wrong, it will make antibodies that don’t destroy the invader. This can cause many kinds of health problems.

The Coomb's test will help your doctor determine if you have antibodies in your bloodstream that are causing your immune system to attack and destroy your own red blood cells. If your red blood cells are being destroyed, this can result in a condition called hemolytic anemia.

There are two types of Coomb's tests: the direct Coomb's test and the indirect Coomb's test. The direct test is more common and checks for antibodies that are attached to the surface of your red blood cells. The indirect test checks for unattached antibodies that are floating in the bloodstream. It is also administered to determine if there was a potential bad reaction to a blood transfusion.

What Are the Results for the Coombs Test?
Normal Results

Results are considered normal if there is no clumping of red blood cells.

Abnormal Results in a Direct Coombs Test

It’s an abnormal result if there is clumping of the red blood cells during the test. Clumping (agglutination) of your blood cells during a direct Coombs test means that you have antibodies on the red blood cells and that you may have a condition that causes the destruction of red blood cells by your immune system (hemolysis). The conditions that may cause you to have antibodies on red blood cells are:

>autoimmune hemolytic anemia (your immune system reacts to your red blood cells)
>drug toxicity where you develop antibodies to your red blood cells; drugs that can cause this include cephalosporins (an antibiotic), levodopa (for Parkinson’s disease), dapsone (antibacterial), nitrofurantoin (antibiotic), NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, and quinidine (heart medication)
>transfusion reaction where your immune system attacks donated blood.
>different blood types between mother and infant (erythroblastosis fetalis)
>chronic lymphocytic leukemia and some other leukemias
>lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus), an autoimmune disease
>infection with mycoplasma (a type of bacteria that many antibiotics can’t kill)
>Sometimes, especially in older adults, a Coombs test will have an abnormal result even without any other disease or risk factors.

Abnormal Results in an Indirect Coombs Test

An abnormal result to an indirect Coombs test means you have antibodies circulating in your bloodstream that could cause your immune system to react to any red blood cells that are considered foreign to the body, particularly regarding those that may be present during a blood transfusion. Depending on your age and circumstances, this could mean a mother and infant have different blood types (erythroblastosis fetalis), an incompatible blood match for a blood transfusion, or hemolytic anemia due to an autoimmune reaction or drug toxicity.

Infants with erythroblastosis fetalis may have very high levels of bilirubin in their blood, which leads to jaundice. This reaction occurs when the infant and mother have different blood types (Rh factor positive or negative, or ABO type differences), and the mother’s immune system attacks the baby’s blood during labor. This condition must be watched carefully because it can result in death of the mother and child. A pregnant woman is often given an indirect Coombs test to check for antibodies during prenatal care, before labor.

মঙ্গলবার, ৩ মে, ২০১৬

কাভার লেটার লিখার সহজ উপায়

কভার লেটার কী
সহজে ‘কভার লেটার কী’ বোঝার জন্যে আসুন ‘কভার লেটার’ শব্দটিকে আমরা ভেঙে ফেলি। ভাঙলে আমরা কী পাই? কভার + লেটার। তার মানে হল, যে লেটার আপনার চাকরির আবেদনের যাবতীয় দিক কভার করে তাকে কভার লেটার বলে।

কভার লেটারের ৬টি দিক
১. কোথা থেকে চাকরিটির খোঁজ পেয়েছেন? তা একবাক্যে লিখুন।
২. আপনার পরিচয় দিন। এখানে আপনি দু’টি বাক্য লিখবেন। এর মাঝে নিজেকে তুলে ধরুন। আপনি কী কী কাজ করছেন লিখুন।
৩. আপনার আবেদিত পদের জন্য যে কাজগুলোর কথা বিজ্ঞাপনে লেখা আছে, তার সঙ্গে আপনার বর্তমান বা অতীতের কাজের যোগসূত্র তৈরি করুন।
৪. আপনার শিক্ষাগত দিক ও ট্রেনিং উল্লেখ করুন।
৫. আপনাকে কেন ইন্টারভিউয়ের জন্য ডাকা উচিত? কেন অন্য কেউ নয়? কেন আপনি নিজেকে ওই পদের জন্য সেরা বলে মনে করেন? উদ্দেশ্য কেবলই কাজ করার মানসিকতা হতে হবে।
৬. আপনাকে ডাকলে আপনি যে আসবেন সে রকম ইতিবাচক একটি বাক্য লিখে শেষ করুন।

সুতরাং, আপনার তথ্যসূত্র + আপনার পরিচয় + আপনার পারফর্মেন্স + লেখাপড়া + আপনার পটেনশিয়ালিটি + আপনার অ্যাভেইলাবিলিটি = আপনার কভার লেটার।

মনে রাখবেন, নতুনরা অভিজ্ঞতা শূন্য নন। তারা তাদের ইন্টার্নশিপ, ইন্ডাস্ট্রি ভিজিট, থিসিস, প্রজেক্ট, কো-কারিকুলাম অ্যাক্টিভিটিজের মাধ্যমে ২ ও ৩ নম্বর পয়েন্ট দু’টি পূরণ করতে পারেন।

শুক্রবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৬


Naked eye examination:
The pus of a staphylococcal lesion is typically creamy and thick in consistency.
That of streptococcus is watery.
That of proteus  has a fishy smell and that of pseudomonas infection a sweet, musty odour and pigmented.
Pus containing an-aerobic organisms often has an offensive putrid smell.
Inoculate the wound swab in-
Blood agar both aerobic and an-aerobic condition.
MacConkey’s agar.
Robertson cooked meat media
All the media incubated at 370  c for 24 hours aerobically/anaerobically.
Gram staining:
Z-N staining.

Inspection of the inoculating media:
To see colony morphology.
Blood agar-
Staph aureus- pin head colonies.
Pseudomonas – black colonies
MacConkey’s agar
Gram staining.
Subculture in nutrient agar.
For biochemical tests- Sugar set and API-20E.
For drug sensitivity: Disc sensitivity test
If Gram positive cocci: Catalase, coagulase test.

Inspection of the pure culture plates.
Gram staining.
If Gram staining: Catalase, coagulase.
Inspection of the Sugar set, API-20E.

If Gram negative bacilli- do motility.
Inspection of the result of disc sensitivity.


Wound swab M/E & culure report
Microscopy (Gram’s stain):
Film shows a few pus cells and  a few epithelial cells. Organisms are Gram…+ve/-ve cocci/bacilli
Culture: Yielded the growth of ….at 370C in aerobic/anaerobic condition after 48 hours incubation.
Sensistivity: S or R.

শুক্রবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

Benedict’s Test- Principle, Composition, Preparation, Procedure and Result Interpretation

Benedict’s Test is used to test for simple carbohydrates. The Benedict’s test identifies reducing sugars (monosaccharide’s and some disaccharides), which have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Benedict’s solution can be used to test for the presence of glucose in urine.

Some sugars such as glucose are called reducing sugars because they are capable of transferring hydrogens (electrons) to other compounds, a process called reduction. When reducing sugars are mixed with Benedicts reagent and heated, a reduction reaction causes the Benedicts reagent to change color. The color varies from green to dark red (brick) or rusty-brown, depending on the amount of and type of sugar.

Benedict’s quantitative reagent contains potassium thiocyanate and is used to determine how much reducing sugar is present. This solution forms a copper thiocyanate precipitate which is white and can be used in a titration. The titration should be repeated with 1% glucose solution instead of the sample for calibration

Principle of Benedict’s Test
When Benedict’s solution and simple carbohydrates are heated, the solution changes to orange red/ brick red. This reaction is caused by the reducing property of simple carbohydrates. The copper (II) ions in the Benedict’s solution are reduced to Copper (I) ions, which causes the color change.

The red copper(I) oxide formed is insoluble in water and is precipitated out of solution. This accounts for the precipitate formed. As the concentration of reducing sugar increases, the nearer the final colour is to brick-red and the greater the precipitate formed. Sometimes a brick red solid, copper oxide, precipitates out of the solution and collects at the bottom of the test tube.

Sodium carbonate provides the alkaline conditions which are required for the redox reaction. Sodium citrate complexes with the copper (II) ions so that they do not deteriorate to copper(I) ions during storage.

Complex carbohydrates such as starches DO NOT react positive with the Benedict’s test unless they are broken down through heating or digestion (try chewing crackers and then doing the test). Table sugar (disaccharide) is a non-reducing sugar and does also not react with the iodine or with the Benedict Reagent. Sugar needs to be decomposed into its components glucose and fructose then the glucose test would be positive but the starch test would still be negative.

Composition and Preparation of Benedict’s Solution
Benedict’s solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution used to test for the presence of the aldehyde functional group, – CHO.

Anhydrous sodium carbonate = 100 gm
Sodium citrate – 173 gm
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate = 17.3 gm

One litre of Benedict’s solution can be prepared from 100 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, 173 g of sodium citrate and 17.3 g of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate.

Procedure of Benedict’s Test
Approximately 1 ml of sample is placed into a clean test tube.
2 ml (10 drops) of Benedict’s reagent (CuSO4) is placed in the test tube.
The solution is then heated in a boiling water bath for 3-5 minutes.
Observe for color change in the solution of test tubes or precipitate formation.
Result Interpretation of Benedict’s Test
If the color upon boiling is changed into green, then there would be 0.1 to 0.5 percent sugar in solution.
If it changes color to yellow, then 0.5 to 1 percent sugar is present.
If it changes to orange, then it means that 1 to 1.5 percent sugar is present.
If color changes to red,then 1.5 to 2.0 percent sugar is present.
And if color changes to brick red,it means that more than 2 percent sugar is present in solution.
Positive Benedict’s Test: Formation of a reddish precipitate within three minutes. Reducing sugars present. Example: Glucose
Negative Benedict’s Test: No color change (Remains Blue). Reducing sugars absent. Example: Sucrose.

1.National Institutes of Health, Testing for Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates- Benedict’s solution.
2.Fayetteville State University- Biological Molecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins.
3.Harper College- Benedict’s Test.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test- Principle, Uses, Procedure and Result Interpretation

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test- Principle, Uses, Procedure and Result Interpretation
C-Reactive Protein (CRP), also known as Pentraxin 1, is a non-glycosylated protein in the Pentraxin family that also includes Pentraxin 2/SAP and Pentraxin 3/TSG-14. CRP is an acute phase reactant, a protein made by the liver and released into the blood within a few hours after tissue injury, the start of an infection, or other cause of inflammation.

A high level of CRP in the blood is a sign that there may be an inflammatory process occurring in the body. Inflammation itself isn’t typically a problem, but it can indicate a host of other health concerns, including infection, arthritis, kidney failure, and pancreatitis. High CRP levels may put patients at increased risk for coronary artery disease, which can cause a heart attack.

A CRP test is a blood test designed to measure the amount of CRP in the blood.

Principle of CRP Test
The C-Reactive Protein test is based on the principle of the latex agglutination. When latex particles complexed human anti-CRP are mixed with a patient’s serum containing C reactive proteins, an visible agglutination reaction will take place within 2 minutes.

Uses of CRP Test
CRP may be used to detect or monitor significant inflammation in an individual who is suspected of having an acute condition, such as serious bacterial infection like sepsis, a fungal infection and Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
The CRP test is useful in monitoring people with chronic inflammatory conditions to detect flare-ups and/or to determine if treatment is effective. Some examples include Inflammatory bowel disease, some forms of arthritis and Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus or vasculitis.
The determination of the CRP-level is useful to monitor the therapy.
It is done to check for infection after surgery. CRP levels normally rise within 2 to 6 hours of surgery and then go down by the third day after surgery. If CRP levels stay elevated 3 days after surgery, an infection may be present.
Procedure of CRP Test
Qualitative Test
Bring all reagents and serum sample to Room Temperature and mix latex reagent gently prior to use. Do not dilute the controls and serum.
Place 1 drop of Serum, Positive control and Negative control on separate reaction circle on glass slide.
Then add 1 drop of CRP latex reagent to each of the circles.
Mix with separate mixing sticks and spread the fluid over the entire area of the cell.
Tilt the slide back and forth slowly for 2 minutes observing preferably under artificial light.
Observe for visible agglutination.
Semi-Quantitative Test
Prepare dilution of the specimen with physiological saline 0.9%, as indicated in the following table
Then proceed for each dilution as in qualitative test.
Result Interpretation of CRP Test

Positive: Agglutination of latex particles, indicating the presence of C – reactive protein at a significant and detectable level.

Negative: No Agglutination.

For Semi-Quantitative Test Results, the last dilution of serum with visible agglutination is the CRP titre of the serum.


CRP ug/ml = 7 x D, where D is the highest dilution of serum showing agglutination and 7 is the sensitivity in ug/ml.

Limitations of CRP Test
The strength of the agglutination reaction is not indicative of the CRP concentration. Weak reactions may occur with slightly elevated or markedly elevated concentrations.
A prozone phenomena (antigen excess) may cause false negatives. It is advisable, therefore, to check all negative sera by retesting at a 1:10 dilution.
Reaction times longer than specified may produce apparent false reactions due to a drying effect.
Strongly lipemic or contaminated sera can cause false positive reactions.
Only serum should be used in this test.
A quantitative titration procedure on positive specimens is required to observe increasing or
decreasing levels.
Patients with high titers of rheumatoid factors may give positive results.
1.Healthline- C-Reactive P
2.R&D Systems, Quantikine ELISA- Human C-Reactive Protein/CRP Immunoassay.
3.Swemed Diagnostics- CRP Test.
4.Genix Technology- RapidTex CRP Latex Test.
5.University of Washington Medical Center- C-Reactive Protein.

Zika Virus- Structure, Genome, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis

Zika Virus- Structure, Genome, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis
Zika Virus (ZIKV) is mosquito-borne emerging flavivirus which was first identified in Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys. It was later identified in humans in 1968 for the first time in Nigeria. Different outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. Its infection is caused by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, usually causing mild fever, rash, conjunctivitis, and muscle pain. In Brazil in May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infections.

Group: Group IV ((+) ssRNA)
Family: Flaviviridae
Genus: Flavivirus
Species: Zika virus

Structure of Zika Virus
The virion is approximately 40 nm in diameter with surface projections that measure roughly 5-10 nm.
Nucleocapsid is 25-30 nm in diameter surrounded by a host-membrane derived lipid bilayer.
Contains envelope proteins E and M

Genome of Zika Virus
Non-segmented, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome
10794 bases long with two non-coding regions flanking regions known as the 5′ NCR and the 3′ NCR.

Sign and Symptoms of Zika Virus
These symptoms are mild and usually last for 2-7 days.

Skin rashes (exanthema)
Pink eye
Muscle and joint pain
Symptoms are similar to that of dengue or chikungunya.

Epidemiology of Zika Virus
The virus was first isolated in 1947 from a rhesus macaque in the Zika Forest of Uganda.
It was later identified in humans in 1968 for the first time in Nigeria
The first major outbreak, with 185 confirmed cases, was reported in 2007 in the Yap Islands.
The first cases confirmed in Brazil was in May 2015 and the country is currently experiencing the largest epidemic ever recorded with 440,000 to 1,300,000 suspected cases reported by the Brazilian health authorities.
There are 3174 cases and 38 deaths from microcephaly in Brazil as of 21 October 2015.
There has been total death of 152 as of 21 October 2015 in the world.
Affected Countries: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Suriname, and Venezuela.

Countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission as of Jan 2016.

Source: CDC
Since November, Brazil has seen nearly 4,000 cases of microcephaly in babies born to women who were infected with Zika during their pregnancies.

Transmission of Zika Virus
Zika virus is transmitted from one people to another through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical regions.
There has been one report of possible spread of the virus through blood transfusion and one report of possible spread of the virus through sexual contact.
In 2015, Zika virus RNA was detected in the amniotic fluid of two fetuses, indicating that it had crossed the placenta and could cause a mother-to-child infection.
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is also known to transmit the virus, but it is not clear how efficiently.
To date, there are no reports of infants getting Zika virus through breastfeeding.

Pathogenesis of Zika Virus
Incubation period in mosquitoes is about 10 days.
The vertebrate hosts of the virus are primarily monkeys and humans.
The pathogenesis of the virus is hypothesized to start with an infection of dendritic cells near the site of inoculation, followed by a spread to lymph nodes and the bloodstream. Flaviviruses generally replicate in the cytoplasm, but Zika virus antigens have been found in infected cell nuclei.
Infection with the virus appears to be linked to the development of unusually small heads and brain damage in newborns (microcephaly).
The most dangerous time is thought to be during the first trimester of Pregnancy– when some women do not realize they are pregnant.

Experts do not know how the virus enters the placenta and damages the growing brain of the fetus.

Diagnosis of Zika Virus
Sample: Blood, Saliva, Urine.

PCR: It is useful in the first 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms. It helps in the direct detection of Zika virus RNA or specific viral antigens in clinical specimens.

Serology Test: It detect the presence of antibodies but are useful only after five days.

Treatment of Zika Virus
There is no specific treatment or vaccine currently available.

Prevention and Control of Zika Virus
Avoid travel to areas with an active infestation.
Travelers should take the basic precautions to protect themselves from mosquito bites.
During outbreaks, health authorities may advise that spraying of insecticides be carried out.
Reducing mosquito populations and avoiding bites, which occur mainly during the day.
Eliminating and controlling Aedes aegypti mosquito breeding sites reduces the chances that Zika will be transmitted.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)- Zika Virus.
WHO, Media Centre, Fact sheets- Zika virus.
Pan American Health Organization- Zika Virus Infection.
CNN- Five things you need to know about Zika.
CBC Radio Canada- Zika virus: what you need to know.
Guardian News and Media Limited- Zika virus: what travellers need to know.
The New York Times Company- Short Answers to Hard Questions About Zika Virus.
Vox Media, Inc.- Zika virus, explained in 6 charts and maps.
Microbeonline- Zika virus: Transmission, Pathogenesis, symptoms and laboratory diagnosis.
Wikipedia- Zika virus.

শুক্রবার, ১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

প্রস্রাবের রঙ এবং গন্ধ দেখে বুঝে নিন আপনার কি ধরনের সমস্যা

মূত্র যা জানান দেয়
প্রস্রাব করার পর আপনি যদি মূত্রের দিকে লক্ষ্য রাখেন সেটা দোষের কিছু না৷ কেননা মূত্রের রঙ, গন্ধ এবং ঘনত্ব আপনাকে জানান দিবে আপনার শরীরে কি ঘটছে৷

মিষ্টি গন্ধ
আপনার মিষ্টি খাওয়ার অভ্যাসের সাথে এর কোনো সম্পর্ক নেই৷ প্রস্রাবের মিষ্টি গন্ধ জানান দেয় আপনার ডায়াবেটিস বা বহুমূত্র রোগ আছে কিনা৷ স্বাস্থ্য বিশেষজ্ঞ হোলি ফিলিপস বলেন, এই মিষ্টি গন্ধ থেকে বোঝা যায় আপনার রক্তচাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণে নেই৷
ঘোলা রঙ
প্রস্রাব যদি ঘোলা হয় তাহলে বুঝতে হবে মূত্রনালী সংক্রমিত হয়েছে, যাকে বলা হয় ‘ইউরিনারি ট্র্যাক্ট ইনফেকশন’ বা ইউটিআই৷ মূত্রনালীর দেয়ালে ব্যাকটিরিয়া এবং লিউকোসাইটের কারণে প্রস্রাব ঘোলা হয়৷
গোলাপি রঙ
অতিরিক্ত তরমুজ বা লাল রঙের ফল খাওয়ার জন্য প্রস্রাবের এমন রঙ হতে পারে৷ তবে প্রস্রাবের এই রঙ নির্দেশ করে আপনার মূত্রে রক্তের উপস্থিতি৷ এটা ইউটিআই, কিডনিতে পাথর অথবা ক্যানসারের লক্ষণ হতে পারে৷
বাজে গন্ধ
এটা সত্যি যে প্রস্রাবের গন্ধ গোলাপের মত হবে না৷ কিন্তু গন্ধটা যদি তীব্র হয়, যেমন পঁচা খাবার, তাহলে বুঝতে হবে মূত্রে সংক্রমণ হয়েছে৷
যৌন সংক্রমিত রোগ যেমন সিফিলিস ও গনোরিয়া রোগের লক্ষণ হলো প্রস্রাবে জ্বালা-পোড়া৷

বারবার টয়লেটে যাওয়া
এর অর্থ হতে পারে আপনি গর্ভবতী৷ এটা প্রাথমিক লক্ষণ, যা হরমোন পরিবর্তনের কারণে হয়৷ ফলে আপনার কিডনিতে রক্তপ্রবাহ বেড়ে যায়৷
ক্যাফিন গ্রহণ
বেশি মদ্যপান করলে বা ক্যাফিন গ্রহণ করলেও প্রস্রাবের হার বেড়ে যায়৷ যদি এটা অব্যাহত থাকে, তবে আপনার চিকিৎসকের সাথে পরামর্শ করুন৷ কারণ এটা ডায়াবেটিস বা টিউমারের লক্ষণ হতে পারে৷